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  • we eat chinese of our knees

    句中的Knee意为膝盖,膝。I'm a goddess on my knees. We eat chinese of our knees意为我是跪在地上的女神,我在我们的膝盖上吃中餐。重点词汇解释:1、knee n. 膝盖,膝 vt. 用膝盖碰 双语例句:Ian kneed him in the groin.伊恩用膝盖撞击他的腹股沟。2、eat vt. 吃,喝;腐蚀;烦...

  • OFF OUR KNEES什么意思?

    off our knees 意思是“从我们膝盖上”这一句形容的,大概是坐着,把中餐放在腿上,然后边吃边看电视(也有人说TV指游戏机,或者是监狱里的监视屏幕)这么一个场景 因为中餐给人快餐的感觉,所以这里描写的是有些颓废,有些迷茫的生活

  • 英语高手进

    And we’re running with blood on our knees 我们热血沸腾的奔跑 纯本人翻译,无机翻。不保证100%正确,基本意思完整,希望有帮你

  • mika 《kick ass》 的歌词翻译

    And we're running with blood on our knees 我们奔跑着(尽管)膝盖流着血。We could rule the world 我们可以统治这个世界 On a silver platter 在一个银盘子 From the wrong to the right light 从错误到正义的光芒 To an open stream 向着小溪 With a crash and burn (有着摧毁和焚烧)我...

  • 求《We are young》的中文翻译

    And we're running with blood on our knees 我们奔跑着,就算膝盖流着血。We could rule the world 我们能统治世界 On a silver platter 在一个银色的盘子上 From the wrong to the right light 从邪恶到正义的光辉 To an open stream 向着那道光线 With a crash and burn 我们失败过 We ...

  • TAYLOR《Change》的中英文歌词

    put up to hold us back will fall down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉 It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win 这是一场逆转, 时间由吾, 最终得胜 We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚 We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚 Oh Tonight we're standing on our knees...

  • re-education(through labor)歌词翻译

    we crawl on our knees for you 为你双膝下跪 under a sky no longer blue 在广阔的蓝色天空下 we sweat all day long for you 我们的汗水整日为你流淌 but we sow seeds to see us through我们曾经播下梦想的种子 the sometimes dreams just don't come true 有时梦想不会成真 we wait to...

  • the water came__our knees. A.on. B.above.C.up.D.o

    意思应该是水已经到膝盖了或者上升到膝盖了。除了come up,都没有上升的意思!

  • above和on的区别

    on指与另一物表面相接触。例:1、Putitdownonthetable.把它放在桌子上。2、Thewatercameaboveourknees.水淹过了我们的膝盖。用法搭配:1、beonaboutsth (informal)谈论(某事);有…的意思 2、beonforsth (informal)想要做某事 Isanyoneonforadrinkafterwork 有人想下班后喝一杯吗?

  • ...歌词好像是we are young什么的。请问这是什

    on our knees We could rule the world On a silver platter From the wrong to the right light To an open stream With a crash and burn We could make it better Turn it Just you and me We are the No other way To be We are young We are strong We're not looking for where...